Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Grand Aunty Jac from Australia

Pop's Aunty Jacklyn - that makes her my Grand Aunty Jac, came for a visit. It's the first time I've met her. She lives with Uncle Mike in Harvey Bay, Australia.

She's cool. She gave me crackers and lots of junk food. We went for nyonya food with Grand Aunty Doreen as well. They came over for fruits and to see Mom (still queasy) but I had fallen asleep by then.

Mom said that when she and Pop (not married then) visited them when they were staying in SS3 PJ long ago in the 80s, she made sure they stayed in different bedrooms!

Here's the Preston Train she gave me. It's solid diecast! Couldn't find much info on the net though except that it's probably from Lancashire.

Grand Aunty Jac is so nice. I like her and hope to visit her soon.

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